Tell Shell Not to Destroy Our Pristine Sacred Headwaters »
The Sacred Headwaters is the source of three of North America's most important Salmon-bearing rivers. These rivers also feed critical populations of moose, bears, and caribou. Now, Royal Dutch Shell is on its way in to put all that at risk.
Tell Shell to pack up their gear and get out of the Sacred Headwaters. »
Shell wants to use 'fracking' to extract natural gas. It's a process so risky that some residents in Alberta and Colorado have actually been able to light their tap water on fire after fracking projects contaminated nearby water tables.
Shell has built three drilling wells, and they plan to build 4,000 more! This is a risk that is not worth taking, for the health of communities that live downstream, and our delicate salmon populations.
Now is the time. We can put pressure on Shell until they realize they are not welcome. Tell them to "Get the Shell Out" of the Sacred Headwaters.
Thank you for taking action!
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